Not Snoozing... Losing!

I CAN do this -- One day at a time

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Starting Point: 295

God that number is scary, but I am not going to dwell on it.
It's a big number but it will only get smaller.


I cannot get discouraged if weight does not come off in a flash.
I have been fat since I was 9 -- that is a long 22 years of self-loathing.

I have decided to try and just take baby steps and make better decisions.

Move More
Eat Better, Eat Less

It is a simple equation, so they say...
If only the action was as simple as the mantra.
It may be simple for some...
I need to make it simple.
Need to make it second nature.
Just do, don't think.

I know from prior attempts I cannot go radical because radical will not work for me long term.
I need to learn moderation, I will learn moderation.

I will make mini-goals and celebrate the little things instead of constantly beating myself up every time I look in the mirror or suck in my breath to button my pants.

I will learn to love and take care of myself and my environment.

I am in control.


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