Not Snoozing... Losing!

I CAN do this -- One day at a time

Friday, July 28, 2006


OK... I have had NO progress.
I am feeling a bit frustrated and disheartened about this.
Everything seems to be working against me.

My exercise bike broke so I bought a new one,
It arrived and was broken and now I have to wait 2 more weeks before someone can come repair it -- at least its under warranty.

I have been eating in healthy moderation...
Way less than before
Bringing my lunch
Not eating out
Lots of fruits and veggies
Tons of water

I gained!

I swear I have a thyroid or hormone problem or something.
I am not looking for excuses
Just reasons.

It is rediculous!

I got a blood test for my TSH and per my doctor it is "normal"
But I don't feel normal...
I am cold all the time
My skin is dry and itchy
I just don't feel right...

I need a second opinion.

I will work on that and try to just keep doing what I am doing.
It is so hard though when I am feeling so discouranged.
Makes me want to just binge out
But I am trying so hard to not do that.

Monday, July 17, 2006

290.5 after 17 days...

Slowly but surely things seem to be moving in the right direction.

I put the link to in the post above because I believe it will work for me. I actually bought it a while ago but need to use it more consistantly (I also just got the "Do It Now" program to stop from procrasinating about everything, including taking care of myself.) When I use it I do find myself making better choices and wanting to be more active. Plus it really helps with my anxiety and depression to have that "meditation time."

Zen of Thin...

65% of U.S. citizens have tried some form of weight loss or weight control -- only 20% were successful.
What if you could magically transform food cravings into exercise cravings?
The magic of weight-loss is in your mind! -- self-hypnosis will change your life.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Something to Think About...

Yield, and become whole.
Bend, and become straight.
Hollow out, and become filled.
Exhaust, and become renewed.
Small amounts become obtainable.
Large amounts become confusing.

-- Lao Tzu

Saturday, July 08, 2006

One Week: 292

3 pounds down.

At first I was thinking it was not enough.
It should be more...
Shouldn't it?

It is great!
It is wonderful!

Just think if I had done nothing at all...
I would either be still at 295
Or maybe even higher.

Remember baby steps!

Rome was NOT built in a day right?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July

It was so good to sleep in today.
I have not been sleeping well lately at all.

Not much to write about today...
Not really in the mood to wax philosophical.

Just another day down,
Three more full days until I can check my progress...
I want to get on that damn scale so bad.

I am such a scale-a-holic,
But the fluid shifts are just too depressing.
Only once a week...

Even though tomorrow will be Wednesday it is going to feel like Monday at work.
Monday number 2 for the week!
And you thought one Monday was bad.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Tonight at my yoga class we meditated on being content.

Being OK with now.
Taking joy in how things are.
No worry about the past or future.

Why does society today look at contentment as complacence?

I want to be OK with me now.
Who I am.

I am always so focused on the past (how I have messed up or gotten to the state I am in.)
Or the future (I will be happy when I lose weight.)

I will never get to where I want to be if I am not happy with NOW.

If I accept and love myself,
everything will fall in to place.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


How do you like that for a ninety-nine cent word?

What does it mean?

Decathect -- To withdraw one's feeling of attachment from (a person, idea, or object), as in anticipation of a future loss. (Thank you!)

I need to decathect from my bodyfat...
I must somehow in my mind be very attatched to it because it's been here a long time.
Why am I so attatched to it?

I need to make my mind understand that it is OK to let the excess go.

What does my body and/or mind need that it is replacing with this padding?
What is it trying to protect me from?

Is my body mad that I have abused it all these years?

Are my mind and body just so detatched from eachother that the lack of communication and understanding caused me to compulsively eat to deal with stress and anxiety instead of noticing how the food was effecting my body?

This is definitely something to work on so it does not become a roadblock.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Starting Point: 295

God that number is scary, but I am not going to dwell on it.
It's a big number but it will only get smaller.


I cannot get discouraged if weight does not come off in a flash.
I have been fat since I was 9 -- that is a long 22 years of self-loathing.

I have decided to try and just take baby steps and make better decisions.

Move More
Eat Better, Eat Less

It is a simple equation, so they say...
If only the action was as simple as the mantra.
It may be simple for some...
I need to make it simple.
Need to make it second nature.
Just do, don't think.

I know from prior attempts I cannot go radical because radical will not work for me long term.
I need to learn moderation, I will learn moderation.

I will make mini-goals and celebrate the little things instead of constantly beating myself up every time I look in the mirror or suck in my breath to button my pants.

I will learn to love and take care of myself and my environment.

I am in control.